Over a series a playtests recently I realised that the most useful and easily actioned piece of feedback, was asking players to answer “How well was the game taught to you?”
If players are not confident in how the game works, then to some extent they are not actually playtesting your game.
Yet I don’t think I have ever seen such a question on a feedback form.
As I sat down to add this to my form I started thinking about how to make my feedback form more engaging.
THIS FORM HAS NOT BEEN PLAYTESTED! So take it with a large pinch of salt.
I look forward to testing it myself and hearing from other playtesters how it can be improved. Feel free to email me (the address is on the bottom of the form).
Clicking the images below will give you access to a PDF of one version of the form. If you have access to MS Publisher then you can also download the Publisher files and edit them to suit your game.
If you download the ZIP folder then you will find various ‘modules’ as .PNG images so you should be able to build your own form in whatever software you have available.
Graphical Playtest Feedback Form Downloads
- The Games People Graphical Playtest Feedback Form v1 .PDF
- 2 page PDF of a basic form with some of my preferred questions.
- The Games People Graphical Playtest Feedback Form v2 .PDF
- 2 page PDF of a basic form with alternative questions and scales and blank back page for your own questions
- The Games People Graphical Playtest Feedback Form MS Publisher (ZIP folder)
- The original document in MS Publisher. If you have access to that then this is the easiest way to customise your own forms.
- The Games People Graphical Playtest Feedback Form image modules (ZIP folder)
- PNG images of each of the modular elements (including blanks) allowing you to build your own form.