I have started another blog series, over on the Virtual Playtesting website.
To quote myself,
These are intended to be a series of short posts about playtests. They aren’t intended to be full reports, or extensive critiques of the games played. What I will attempt to do is pull out one or two things I liked about the games tested, and then one or two issues that were brought up in the feedback at the end of the game.
Ideally, I will try and draw attention to lessons of general relevance to a range of different games so designers can apply these points to their own designs.
This is perhaps a design brief – or mission statement, but there are other reasons.
I think blogging is potentially a great way to showcase the playtesting we are doing within the Virtual Playtesting group. I am proud of the quality of games that we are seeing playtested and the quality of feedback that designers are receiving.
I know that writing down my thoughts is a good way to force myself to think more deeply about something. I think it will help me to become a better playtester and to provide more useful input in future.
Although these posts aren’t intended to be a designer diary, as I am usually present during playtests of my own games, and I do not need to worry about hurting the feelings of others, I expect my own games will feature disproportionately.